Join Rachel Austin Voice for a weekly Warmup & Sing class.
In this online class you'll get the chance to learn new warmups, ask questions about techniques, and perform in front of other singers.
The class runs online from 1-2pm EST on Wednesdays.
There's no requirement to perform, nor to sing with your audio on.
You can just come, get some new warmups, get an extra vocal workout, and hear others slay their performance anxiety, one song at a time.
Not interested in a class but what to add singing to your repertoire of skills? Are you looking to add range, stability, or style to your voice? Join me online or in-person for voice science-based singing practices that are grounded in pop, rock, jazz, and musical theatre traditions of voice.
Book a free trial today here or at www.
I'm also running a workshop series at Queen City Music Studios in Staunton on Mar 23, April 20th, and May 18th, 10:30am-12:30pm.
You can register at https://www.
I've taught in New York, San Francisco, Mexico, Austria, Ireland, and the UK and performed in those places, as well as Austria, Germany, France, and India.
Come learn to sing with a professional performer.