I offer hatching eggs from purebred chickens ! for $25/dozen :
French Black Copper Marans: nice dark copper eggs.
Hens and rooster are out of Green Fire Farms line, and Mashburns Marans lines.
Gorgeous chickens with feathered legs.
***Looking for a very nice FBCM rooster ? I have s beautiful 6 mo.
old for sale ($35) from 6/23 hatch.
He has feathered feet and nice coloring.
Can text pic***
Ameraucana : These chickens lay blue to turquoise colored eggs.
They are a standard size chicken (not bantams) and they make nice dual-purpose chickens.
Our Ameraucanas are purebred.
They are predominately wheaten, with their paternal father being pure wheaten (a breed color-type).
The hens and roosters both typically are well bearded with pea combs and steely-blue legs.
The hens are mostly gold, with some blue feathering and nice muffs around cheeks.
Roosters are mostly reddish, black and gold feathering, with emerald tails.
Some of the roosters' wing feathers are irridescent (sheens of green, blue and purple).
Strikingly beautiful.
Olive Eggers : Ameraucana hens crossed with Fr.
Black Copper Marans roo.
Will make for
interesting chickens and nice olive colored eggs.
SORRY, this breed n/a till Spring :
French Blue Copper Marans: lovely dark copper eggs.
sometimes darker than the Black Copper Marans' eggs.
egg colors vary during the course of the year.
Roosters and hens are out of Green Fire Farms line.
Welsummers selected for their dark and speckled eggs.
Beautiful brown & gold hens and colorful rooster.
Welsummer roosters were the orginal rooster on Kelloggs Corn Flakes box.
Stunning gorgeous multi-colored mahogany, gold and black body feathers and emerald green tails !
Our flocks are fed certified non-gmo chicken feed and pure well water.
Hatching eggs are held at ideal temperature and collected within a
few days of your picking them up.
They are each checked carefully
for shell imperfections.
Any eggs with cracks or problems are culled,
so you get only best quality hatching eggs to start in your incubator
or under a broody hen.
Cash only, Sold only by the dozen - get any mix you like while available.
key words :
fertile eggs, Marans, Welsummers, Ameraucana, Blue Copper Marans, Black copper marans, olive Eggers chicks, roosters, cockerels
incubator eggs, broody eggs, chicken, hatching eggs